HOPE in the time of COVID
isolation and creativity!
what does an artist do when locked in?
as artists we are used to being alone …
alone in our studios but not separated from our studios, which i feel are our real homes.
i looked around my loft apt … what did i have … what could i use … i found some paper and ink … the creativity flowed. how joyful to be able to express again. 33 pieces finished!
I express from sources within, interested in exploring “interiors” … emotional, spiritual, and psychological. I am inspired by the realm of the subconscious including the spiritual, combined with a modern approach and preoccupation with psychology and introspection. I am drawn to that which establishes the continuity of existence and drives on toward the truth and totality of experience, engaging the senses while allowing the exploration of the viewer’s own inner reality.
HOPE in the time of Covid! We are in free fall … a frightening time for sure. But in the midst of this global pandemic, each of us dealing with massive upheaval, i am reminded and find peace in the words of the serenity prayer, "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.”
We must adapt. And as an artist I continue to do that which makes me happy - expressing through my art. Our lives may have changed but i have my creativity and the ability to create …which i have always felt was a gift but even more so in these uncertain times.